Major in Computer Science for Emerging Technology


502ho, Hakyeonsan cluster center, 55, Hanyangdaehak-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea






페이스북 아이콘

With my own imagination, make a difference in the world!

We are entering a software-centric society where software is central to innovation, growth, and value creation, and where it's shaping the competitiveness of individuals, businesses, and countries, and where software technologies are applied in a wide range of industries. The demand for software-based converged talent in the industry is growing exponentially. Students who are not major in software to properly prepare for these social changes and meet the needs of the industrial field. The new industry software convergence program, which provides customized software-based convergence education to students majoring in engineering, has been developed.

The goal of the convergence of new industry software is to promote the integration, balance and innovation of software-related knowledge and knowledge in a wide range of disciplines, and to create creative ideas, problem-solving skills, computing power, and use of software technology. It is to foster software-based converged people who can create new business models, products and services. In addition, the new industry software convergence major is customized for non-technical students. The software convergence curriculum will be organized and diverse and practical training on software knowledge will be provided to help develop into a person capable of applying and integrating software into various academic fields.