Vision and Objectives


Train SW Entrepreneurs who will lead the way to an SW-centered society
(Make ERICA Campus an advanced base for global SW entrepreneurship)



Train skilled coding specialists who will lead the new industries of the future.

Innovate the education system into the industry-centered one
9 specialization modules reflecting the demands from industries
Coding practice and use of opensource SW in all industrial subjects
Establish a 5-year Master-Doctor Integrated Course for the industries
Joint curriculum of a university and an enterprise
All students’ completion of subjects for the Industry-Academy projects
Apple track, Samsung SDS track, Amazon AWS track
SW subjects for industrial experts (11 subjects)
Coding skill certification program
Prioritize the basic coding courses / ABF evaluation system
Development and operation of ERICA-SCI
CCDP Management based on GitHub

Train skilled specialists in SW convergence who can make the world a better place with creative imaginations.

Established the Division of Media, Culture and Design Technology (Receiving 70 new students every year)Interdisciplinary Computing Technology
Computer Science + Media Technology, Culture Technology, Design Technology
Established the New Industry Software Convergence MajorHumanities/Social Study/Art&Physical education Major + SW skills (Convergence major)
Customized SW convergence education platform reflecting the unique needs of each college
Meticulous mentoring supports from the dedicated faculty members for the SW convergence subjects
Coding skill certification system[SW Education Center] Train skilled minds for a SW-centered society
Pre-college SW education (for new comers)
All students are required to take basic SW education courses (three subjects)
LEGO type SW courses customized for various career options by departments

Train students with the capabilities to start their own businesses with the ‘One Student One Start-up(OS²)’ initiative.

Entrepreneurship courses are mandatory (for 1st to 3rd year students)All SW majors are to be trained to have entrepreneurial skills
Education of basic entrepreneurial skills
Design Thinking (Deducing Business Ideas)
Ability to realize (Commercialization Development skills)
Entering the start-up track (2nd semester in the 3rd year)
Start-up establishment before graduation (3rd ~ 4th year)100 students starting up their businesses per year
Students start up their businesses with the outcome of the start-up projects
Recruit industrial-academic cooperation faculty members who will be dedicated to start-up (5)
Establish the SW Start-up Center (One-stop startup support)
Entrepreneurial activities support (after foundation)
Start-up Space, Infra and Nurturing Systems
ERICA SW Technology Holdings Company (Crowd funding and marketing)
Hanyang University Global Office (Shenzhen, Silicon Valley)