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Nation’s first! A representative, civilian-centered cluster
that carries out key projects

The Academy-Research-Industry Cluster is a representative civilian-centered cluster where the players
of academic, research communities and industries joined together to carries out key projects for creating
high value-added industries for the country and the region. The complex has been developed on a site of
100,000 pyeong within ERICA Campus to accommodate key academic (Hanyang University), research
(KITECH ERICA Research Center, Electricity Test Lab of Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute,
Korea Testing Laboratory ERICA Branch), and industrial (Gyeonggi Techno Park, LG Micron/Innotech
Central Laboratory, and other corporate laboratories) tenants and function as the key components and
materials R&D cluster of the Greater Seoul Area, as well as the cultural industrial cluster which is
centered around humanities/social studies/sports and art and IT.
In order to become a global innovation cluster, ERICA has been pursuing 4 key projects.
1 The Infrastructure Establishment Project is a project to attract government-funded research institutes and private companies into the campus to form
a cooperative network to create an environment in which each member of the network can benefit from it, while the best practical education and R&D
environment is provided.
2 We are engaged in international cooperation programs, in order to invigorate mutual cooperation and exchanges between South Korean companies and
foreign ones, as well as to provide the necessary skills and senses to work to be a global talent.We are operating personnel exchange programs, information
exchange programs, joint R&D and internship programs, etc. Also, we attracted major institutions into our campus to actively engage in various cooperative
programs with domestic institutions.
3 Based on this cluster infrastructure and international cooperation, members of the Academy-Research-Industry are carrying out the joint R&D projects while
developing and operating practical education programs grafted complexly with the science/engineering, humanities/social studies and design departments.
4 We are devoted to cultivate global talents by dividing the entire campus into the components and materials cluster (science/engineering departments),
the cultural industry cluster (humanities/social studies and art/physical education departments)and operating the specialized education programs such
as specialized majors, contractual majors and field practices.
학연산클러스터 교육과정 참여 → {학연산클러스터 교과목 수강[2학년부터 수강가능/학연산클러스터 영역 4개 이상 교과목 수강(B학점 이상)/필수과목 이수 및 인증 취득 6시그마GB 또는 실용트리즈 중 택1] + 현장실습 수행[3학년부터 참여가능/수도권 산업체, 연구소 현장실습 수행]} → 학연산 클러스터 교육수료+졸업 평점 3.5이상/외국어성적(TOEIC) 750점 이상/사회봉사 1회 이상} →학연산클러스터교육 인증
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